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Hero Banner (1/2)


Page: CVS Specialty Home

Variation: Primary

Brand Color: Primary(Brand red), Secondary(White), Navy Color Background, Lightnavy Color Background 

Info: Banner with Callout, Quick links and Brand background

Here, you are our specialty.

Your health is our greatest priority. See what easy Rx management and personalized care is all about.

Want to switch to CVS Specialty?

Start the process of moving your prescriptions to our specialty pharmacy.

Here, you are our specialty.

Your health is our greatest priority. See what easy Rx management and personalized care is all about.

Want to switch to CVS Specialty?

Start the process of moving your prescriptions to our specialty pharmacy.

Here, you are our specialty.

Your health is our greatest priority. See what easy Rx management and personalized care is all about. N/A

Want to switch to CVS Specialty?

Start the process of moving your prescriptions to our specialty pharmacy.

Here, you are our specialty.

Your health is our greatest priority. See what easy Rx management and personalized care is all about.

Want to switch to CVS Specialty?

Start the process of moving your prescriptions to our specialty pharmacy.

Page: Manage Your Prescriptions

Variation: Primary

Brand Color: Primary(Brand red), Secondary(White), Navy Color Background, Lightnavy Color Background 

Info: Banner without Callout/Quick links and White background

Refill your medication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Refill your medication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. N/A

Refill your medication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Refill your medication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Page: Resources By Condition Detail

Variation: Secondary

Brand Color: Primary(Brand red), Secondary(White), Navy Color Background, Lightnavy Color Background 

Info: Banner without Callout/Quick links. Brand background and side image.

Condition Name

We’re here to support you with educational resources, tips and more to help you manage your cystic fibrosis treatment.

Condition Name

We’re here to support you with educational resources, tips and more to help you manage your cystic fibrosis treatment.

Condition Name

We’re here to support you with educational resources, tips and more to help you manage your cystic fibrosis treatment.

Condition Name

We’re here to support you with educational resources, tips and more to help you manage your cystic fibrosis treatment.

Page: Understanding Insurance

Variation: Secondary

Info: Banner without Callout/Quick links. White background and side image.

Understanding Insurance

We know health insurance can be confusing at times, so our insurance specialists will help you understand your benefits and how to help keep your out-of-pocket costs as low as possible.

Page: Site Map

Variation: Secondary

Brand Color: Primary(Brand red), Secondary(White), Navy Color Background, Lightnavy Color Background 

Info: Banner without Callout/Quick links. Red background and no side image.

CVS Specialty Site Map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu auctor sem. Ut vulputate urna vitae ligula maximus finibus. Morbi id ex finibus, pretium dolor non, pretium sem. Nullam enim augue, venenatis ac neque vel, commodo laoreet ante. Nunc ac est at mauris mollis sollicitudin nec suscipit augue. Proin rutrum viverra nunc non aliquet.

CVS Specialty Site Map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu auctor sem. Ut vulputate urna vitae ligula maximus finibus. Morbi id ex finibus, pretium dolor non, pretium sem. Nullam enim augue, venenatis ac neque vel, commodo laoreet ante. Nunc ac est at mauris mollis sollicitudin nec suscipit augue. Proin rutrum viverra nunc non aliquet.

CVS Specialty Site Map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu auctor sem. Ut vulputate urna vitae ligula maximus finibus. Morbi id ex finibus, pretium dolor non, pretium sem. Nullam enim augue, venenatis ac neque vel, commodo laoreet ante. Nunc ac est at mauris mollis sollicitudin nec suscipit augue. Proin rutrum viverra nunc non aliquet.

CVS Specialty Site Map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu auctor sem. Ut vulputate urna vitae ligula maximus finibus. Morbi id ex finibus, pretium dolor non, pretium sem. Nullam enim augue, venenatis ac neque vel, commodo laoreet ante. Nunc ac est at mauris mollis sollicitudin nec suscipit augue. Proin rutrum viverra nunc non aliquet.

Page: FAQ

Variation: Secondary

Info: Banner without Callout/Quick links. White background and no side image.

FAQs Lorem ipsum

To contact CVS Specialty, just call toll-free 1-800-237-2767. Whether you're a new plan member or currently enrolled, you can always call CVS Specialty for help.

A prescription for better health.

As your Rx plan provider, we make sure you have access to affordable medication and convenient options for filling.

Register for an account

Make the most of your Rx plan.

  • Learn about your plan and coverage
  • Explore costs and savings options
  • Find a network pharmacy


Lorum Ipsum Dolor

Component Details

TEXT: Required

Hero title (H1)

Recommended character count is > 52 characters

Gray #414141

Intro text: Optional

Recommended limit 1, 2 sentences


Form field: Optional

Enter up to 1 text field 


Media: Background image

Image should be selected or created to account for a large covered /cropped out area on the left

Position: Image aligned on the right (default)

Type = Image

Upload size = 1924px by 630px

ALT TEXT: Required


Primary button: Optional

One primary CTA per component

Maximum 20 characters

Authors can modify button label, enter URL or upload a file

Secondary button: Optional

2 secondary CTA per component

Maximum 20 characters

Authors can modify button label, enter URL or upload a file

Text links: Optional

Add up to 2 link in white box, up to 4 in quicklinks or callout box

No character limit

Authors can modify link label, enter a URL or upload a file for each text link.


Subcopy is optional, Recomennded that subcopy not go more than 2 lines.

Secondary: CTA button or link required

Sample API:


Response JSON

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